Prof. Adam Jan Niesłony Associated Professor at Opole University of Technology
About Fatigue calculations with MATLAB
ProfileI am working at the Opole University of Technology as a scientist and academic teacher. My main field of interest are fatigue of materials. My research work concerns strength of machine parts, durability of machine elements and dynamics of structures. I am, among others co-author of a new method of determining material fatigue constants from deformation tests and author of the multi-axis fatigue life criterion, dedicated to the frequency domain approach. I am happy to cooperate with Colleagues from industry and deal with the transfer of IP. I have been the supervisor of six doctoral dissertations. In my classroom I am teaching fatigue of materials and practical FEM analyses.
ContactOpole University of Technology Prószkowska 76 Street, 45-758 Opole
Room and lab. address: OUTech, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 5 Mikołajczyka Street, 45-271 Opole Room B11
Phone: +48 77 44 98 399
Academic DegreesM.Sc.1993 – 1998, Opole University of Technology Thesis title: Fatigue life of cast iron under random tension, bending and torsion
PhD.1998 – 2003, Opole University of Technology Dissertation title: Generalization of the spectral method for determining fatigue life on the range of multi-axial random loads
Habilitated PhD.2003 – 2010, Cracow University of Technology Title: Determining fatigue damage maps by application of the spectral method professional experienceOpole University of Technology – Assistant Professor2003–2010 Classes with students, carrying out fatigue tests, publishing scientific achievements and writing grant applications.
Fraunhofer LBF – Visiting Scientist, AvH post-doc Fellowship2006–2007 Development of a new method for determining material constants. Publication of scientific articles and research reports. Comparison of selected multiaxial fatigue criteria.
Science and Technology Park in Opole – Head of R&D2017–2018 Establishing a R&D unit in the Science and Technology Park in Opole.
Opole University of Technology – Associated Professor2010–now Classes with students, carrying out fatigue tests, publishing scientific achievements and writing grant applications. In the years 2012-2019 vice-dean for science at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. In the years 2017-2020 head of the Technology Transfer Centre at the Opole University of Technology. Language skills |
SUpervisor in PhD thesis
I supervised six successful Ph.D. dissertations, which are listed below, and I currently play the role of a supervisor in two open doctoral works.
14-06-2019 Łagoda Agnieszka: Strength analysis of selected connections in dental prosthetics
05-02-2018 Dziura Artur: Fatigue durability of components under accelerated vibration tests
15-11-2017 Owsiński Robert: Fatigue tests of structural materials by dynamic excitation
15-12-2014 Böhm Michał: Determination of fatigue life of materials with the use of spectral method taking into account the static component
09-04-2014 Kurek Andrzej: Fatigue life of machine parts made of explosively welded steel- titanium bimetal
30-10-2013 Łapka Mariusz: Influence of effect scale on the mechanics of failure modes of constructional wood
Projects participation
I have participated in many projects, the most interesting of which are listed below.
FP5-GROWTH, G1MA-CT-2002-04058, 1 December 2002 to 30 November 2005 CESTI - Centre of Structural Integrity, Principal contractor
Leonardo da Vinci, LLP/LdV/TOI/2007/PL/140006, September 2007 to August 2009 Upgrading the competence of academic staff in the interdisciplinary teaching of mechatronics for the advanced technology needs, UpTronic, Principal contractor
PRELUDIUM 1, 2011/01/N/ST8/06904, December 2011 to May 2014 Algorithm for fatigue life evaluation of machine elements and structures made of explosively welded bimetals based on fatigue characteristics of basic bi-metal materials, Supervisor, (Andrzej Kurek, Ph.D. student)
OPUS 3, 2012/05/B/ST8/02520, March 2013 to March 2016 Accounting for the effect of mean stress value on computed fatigue life determined by spectral method Head of project
PRELUDIUM 5, 2013/09/N/ST8/04332, February 2014 to February 2016 Effect on elastic-plastic strains on fatigue life determination by spectral method Supervisor, (Michał Bohm, Ph.D. student)
OPUS 12, 2016/23/B/ST8/03408, July 2017 to July 2020 Application of normal and central high order moments in the fatigue life determination algorithm performed by the spectral method Head of project
Action 1.1. INnovations in enterprises, ROP Opolskie Voivodeship for 2014-2020 RPOP.01.01.00-16-0026/16-00, March 2017 to November 2018 Establishment of the Engineering Design Center as part of the Science and Technology Park in Opole Principal contractor, Head of R&D works
Regional Initiative for Perfection, MNiSW no. 017/RID/2018/19, January 2019 to December 2022 Advancement of scientific and research activity of the Opole University of Technology in the field of Mechanical Engineering, Head of project
The latest publications can be seen in public databases such as Scopus, WofS or GoogleScholar. Below are selected publications presenting my scientific profile.
1. Niesłony A, Böhm M, Owsiński R (2020) Impact of the kurtosis parameter of the load on the fatigue life of a structure. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Material and Component Performance under Variable Amplitude Loading (VAL4). DVM, Berlin/Germany, Darmstadt/Germany, pp 165–173
2. Niesłony A, Böhm M, Owsiński R (2020) Formulation of multiaxial fatigue failure criteria for spectral method. International Journal of Fatigue 135:105519. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2020.105519
3. Böhm M, Kowalski M, Niesłony A (2020) Influence of the Elastoplastic Strain on Fatigue Durability Determined with the Use of the Spectral Method. Materials 13:423. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma13020423
4. Niesłony A, Böhm M, Owsiński R (2019) General Procedure for Formulation of Multiaxial Fatigue Failure Criteria in Frequency Domain. MATEC Web Conf 300:15007. https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201930015007
5. Malaga-Toboła U, Łapka M, Tabor S, et al (2019) Influence of wood anisotropy on its mechanical properties in relation to the scale effect. Int Agrophys 33:337–345. https://doi.org/10.31545/intagr/110808
6. Owsiński R, Niesłony A (2018) Fatigue properties in additive manufacturing methods applying Ti6Al4V. AIP Conference Proceedings 2029:020049. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5066511
7. Niesłony A, Owsiński R, Dziura A (2018) Methods of description of random loading in fatigue life calculation. AIP Conference Proceedings 2028:020013. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5066403
8. Łagoda A, Niesłony A, Mazurek B (2018) The influence of saliva on the dental adhesive strength. AIP Conference Proceedings 2029:020035. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5066497
9. Łagoda A, Niesłony A (2018) Stress Analysis of Dental Implant Inserted in the Mandible. Strojnícky casopis – Journal of Mechanical Engineering 68:25–32. https://doi.org/10.2478/scjme-2018-0003
10. Owsiński R, Niesłony A (2017) Identification of Fatigue Cracks on the Basis of Measurable Changes in System Dynamics. Strojnícky casopis – Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67:77–84. https://doi.org/10.1515/scjme-2017-0020
11. Niesłony A, Böhm M, Łagoda T, Cianetti F (2016) The use of spectral method for fatigue life assessment for non-Gaussian random loads. Acta Mechanica et Automatica 10:100–103. https://doi.org/10.1515/ama-2016-0016
12. Niesłony A, Böhm M (2016) Frequency-domain fatigue life estimation with mean stress correction. International Journal of Fatigue 91, Part 2:373–381. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2016.02.031
13. Niesłony A (2016) A critical analysis of the Mises stress criterion used in frequency domain fatigue life prediction. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 177–183. https://doi.org/10.3221/IGF-ESIS.38.24
14. Niesłony A, Böhm M (2016) Universal Method for Applying the Mean-Stress Effect Correction in Stochastic Fatigue-Damage Accumulation. Materials Performance and Characterization 5:MPC20150049. https://doi.org/10.1520/MPC20150049
15. Niesłony A, Dziura A, Owsiński R (2015) Durability tests acceleration performed on machine components using electromagnetic shakers. Łódź
16. Niesłony A, Böhm M, Materac A (2015) Influence of Estimation Methods of Power Spectral Density Function on the Calculated Fatigue Life with Spectral Method. Solid State Phenomena 224:118–123. https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/SSP.224.118
17. Niesłony A, Böhm M, Łagoda T (2015) The Use of Spectral Method for Fatigue Life Assessment for Non-Gaussian Random Loads with Non Zero Mean Stress. Inter Hotel Ascotel Lille Grand Stade, p 2
18. Niesłony A, Böhm M (2015) Mean Stress Effect Correction in Frequency-domain Methods for Fatigue Life Assessment. Procedia Engineering 101:347–354. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2015.02.042
19. Böhm M, Niesłony A (2015) Strain-based Multiaxial Fatigue Life Evaluation Using Spectral Method. Procedia Engineering 101:52–60. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2015.02.008
20. Böhm M, Niesłony A (2015) Determination of Fatigue Life with the Use of Spectral Method on the Basis of Fatigue Strain Characteristics. Solid State Phenomena 224:112–117. https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/SSP.224.112
21. Böhm M, Kowalski M, Niesłony A (2015) Multiaxial Fatigue Test Stand Concept – Stand and Control Design. In: Awrejcewicz J, Szewczyk R, Trojnacki M, Kaliczyńska M (eds) Mechatronics - Ideas for Industrial Application. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp 437–445
22. Owsiński R, Niesłony A (2014) Review of current state of knowledge on durability tests performed on electromagnetic shakers. Modelowanie Inżynierskie T. 22, nr 53:
23. Niesłony A, Łagoda T, Walat K, Kurek M (2014) Multiaxial fatigue behaviour of AA6068 and AA2017A aluminium alloys under in-phase bending with torsion loading condition. Mat-wiss u Werkstofftech 45:947–952. https://doi.org/10.1002/mawe.201400214
24. Kurek A, Wachowski M, Niesłony A, et al (2014) Fatigue Tests and Metallographic of Explosively Cladded Steel-Titanium Bimetal. Archives of Metallurgy and Materials 59:1566–1570. https://doi.org/10.2478/amm-2014-0265
25. Niesłony A, Böhm M (2013) Mean stress effect correction using constant stress ratio S–N curves. International Journal of Fatigue 52:49–56. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2013.02.019
26. Niesłony A, Sonsino CM (2012) Comparison of Some Selected Multiaxial Fatigue Assessment Criteria – Part II. Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Fraunhofer LBF, Darmstadt
27. Niesłony A, Böhm M (2012) Determination of Fatigue Life on the Basis of Experimental Fatigue Diagrams under Constant Amplitude Load with Mean Stress. Materials Science Forum 726:33–38. https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.726.33
28. Niesłony A, Böhm M (2012) Application of Spectral Method in Fatigue Life Assessment - Determination of Crack Initiation. J Theor Appl Mech 50:819–829
29. Macha E, Niesłony A (2012) Critical plane fatigue life models of materials and structures under multiaxial stationary random loading: The state-of-the-art in Opole Research Centre CESTI and directions of future activities. International Journal of Fatigue 39:95–102. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2011.03.001
30. Kurek A, Niesłony A (2012) Fatigue Life Tests of Explosively Cladded Steel-Titanium Bimetal. Materials Science Forum 726:106–109. https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.726.106
31. Niesłony A, Kurek A (2011) Influence of the Selected Fatigue Characteristics of the Material on Calculated Fatigue Life under Variable Amplitude Loading. Applied Mechanics and Materials 104:197–205. https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.104.197
32. Niesłony A (2010) Comparison of Some Selected Multiaxial Fatigue Failure Criteria Dedicated for Spectral Method. J Theor Appl Mech 48:233–254
Prepared by Adam Niesłony